
Surrogacy with Frozen Embryos

The surrogacy process is filled with commitment, coordination and meticulous planning and for infertile parents. The first thing you need to do is find a Surrogacy with Frozen Embryos program that will align well according to your unique conditions and preferences. Also, the decision on choosing the type of surrogacy should be guided by medical indications and legal requirements.

What is Surrogacy with Frozen Embryos ?

Surrogacy with frozen embryos is a type of program aimed at infertility treatment that involves the transfer of embryos created as a result of the IVF cycle in the past to the prepared uterus of a surrogate. The embryos conceived can still be used for implantation even after 10 years of storage, whenever the intended parents are ready to take the route of parenthood.

The intended parent has the option of using the frozen embryo at a future date when they are financially and mentally ready to take the responsibility of becoming parents. Sometimes, after having one child, couples may want to freeze the remaining embryos to have more children a few years down the lane.

Frozen embryo transfers have been shown to be more effective than fresh embryo transfers in numerous investigations.


How Surrogacy with Frozen Embryos works?

Initial Screening & Consultation
The very first step is to schedule an initial screening and consultation. During which a fertility specialist will analyse the surrogate and create a personalised surrogacy treatment plan. That will give the intended parents the highest probability of success. This will include physical and psychological assessments.

Preparation of the endometrium can be achieved in a number of ways, all of which are part of the initial screening and consultation.

Pre-treatment Consultation
Two weeks before the start of the surrogate mother’s period, a visit with your selected surrogacy professional will take place. A fertility nurse will streamline your treatment plan and will go through the consent documents.

Blood tests & Scans
You’ll have two or three monitoring scans, usually separated by a few days, each lasting roughly around 20 minutes. At these visits, the doctor may undertake blood tests.

Embryo Transfer
The embryo transfer is a short and easy process that does not require sedation. It is simply the transfer of the embryo to the uterus of the surrogate mother with the intent to establish a pregnancy.

Pregnancy Test Results
For a pregnancy to occur, the embryo must implant into the uterus lining of the surrogate. The surrogate will be invited back to the fertility clinic for a pregnancy blood test. The test results will arrive by the end of the day if the component, beta-hCG is present.

Advantages of Surrogacy with Frozen Embryos

  • Flexibility to decide when you want to begin your parenthood journey. However, once frozen, the embryos will remain safely preserved until the parents are ready to build their family.
  • You can give birth to your own biological child even if you are unable to do so on your own.
  • You can use your own embryos, created from previous IVF attempts or resort to donor services.
  • As our surrogates undergo several laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures, pregnancy complications are downsized.
  • Provides the opportunity for Preimplantation Genetic Screening ( PGS ), greatly increasing the chances of successful pregnancy and healthy birth.
  • Reduced rate of miscarriage

Costing for Surrogacy with Frozen Embryos

The cost of a frozen embryo transfer came in at just about 60% of what could be expected for a fresh embryo transfer. You can discuss with your surrogacy doctor about the surrogacy program’s financial benefits. About what all expenses are covered in this type of surrogacy program, and also ask about additional charges.

The impending question that the intended parents hover over is : How much does surrogacy cost ?

Well, it is imperative to think about it and question it . There are too many factors that influence the total cost of surrogacy. There is an array of questions which is encountered upon by the doctors and the agencies on a daily basis. You can ask this question to your surrogacy agency to find clear and honest information. Don’t just rely on the internet.

Success Rate of Surrogacy with Frozen Embryos

Chances of pregnancy are higher from frozen embryo than embryos transferred during a fresh IVF cycle. The genetic content of the embryos, surrogacy health, as well as laboratory condition and surrogacy doctor expertise can affect your pregnancy success rates.

Improvements in the freezing of embryos including the Vitrification process have made this type of surrogacy process more common and safer than ever.


You don’t need to repeat the whole IVF process if you opt for this surrogacy program since the eggs have already been collected and embryos formed. As soon as you feel ready, you can schedule the pregnancy and can get the embryo transfer process done.

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    The surrogacy process is filled with commitment, coordination and meticulous planning and for infertile parents. The first thing you need to do is find a Surrogacy with Frozen Embryos program that will align well according to your unique conditions and preferences. Also, the decision on choosing the type of surrogacy should be guided by medical indications and legal requirements.

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    family SPREADS JOY

    What is Surrogacy with Frozen Embryos ?

    Surrogacy with frozen embryos is a type of program aimed at infertility treatment that involves the transfer of embryos created as a result of the IVF cycle in the past to the prepared uterus of a surrogate. The embryos conceived can still be used for implantation even after 10 years of storage, whenever the intended parents are ready to take the route of parenthood.

    The intended parent has the option of using the frozen embryo at a future date when they are financially and mentally ready to take the responsibility of becoming parents. Sometimes, after having one child, couples may want to freeze the remaining embryos to have more children a few years down the lane.

    Frozen embryo transfers have been shown to be more effective than fresh embryo transfers in numerous investigations.


    How Surrogacy with Frozen Embryos works?

    Initial Screening & Consultation
    The very first step is to schedule an initial screening and consultation. During which a fertility specialist will analyse the surrogate and create a personalised surrogacy treatment plan. That will give the intended parents the highest probability of success. This will include physical and psychological assessments.

    Preparation of the endometrium can be achieved in a number of ways, all of which are part of the initial screening and consultation.

    Pre-treatment Consultation
    Two weeks before the start of the surrogate mother’s period, a visit with your selected surrogacy professional will take place. A fertility nurse will streamline your treatment plan and will go through the consent documents.

    Blood tests & Scans
    You’ll have two or three monitoring scans, usually separated by a few days, each lasting roughly around 20 minutes. At these visits, the doctor may undertake blood tests.

    Embryo Transfer
    The embryo transfer is a short and easy process that does not require sedation. It is simply the transfer of the embryo to the uterus of the surrogate mother with the intent to establish a pregnancy.

    Pregnancy Test Results
    For a pregnancy to occur, the embryo must implant into the uterus lining of the surrogate. The surrogate will be invited back to the fertility clinic for a pregnancy blood test. The test results will arrive by the end of the day if the component, beta-hCG is present.

    Advantages of Surrogacy with Frozen Embryos

    • Flexibility to decide when you want to begin your parenthood journey. However, once frozen, the embryos will remain safely preserved until the parents are ready to build their family.
    • You can give birth to your own biological child even if you are unable to do so on your own.
    • You can use your own embryos, created from previous IVF attempts or resort to donor services.
    • As our surrogates undergo several laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures, pregnancy complications are downsized.
    • Provides the opportunity for Preimplantation Genetic Screening ( PGS ), greatly increasing the chances of successful pregnancy and healthy birth.
    • Reduced rate of miscarriage

    Costing for Surrogacy with Frozen Embryos

    The cost of a frozen embryo transfer came in at just about 60% of what could be expected for a fresh embryo transfer. You can discuss with your surrogacy doctor about the surrogacy program’s financial benefits. About what all expenses are covered in this type of surrogacy program, and also ask about additional charges.

    The impending question that the intended parents hover over is : How much does surrogacy cost ?

    Well, it is imperative to think about it and question it . There are too many factors that influence the total cost of surrogacy. There is an array of questions which is encountered upon by the doctors and the agencies on a daily basis. You can ask this question to your surrogacy agency to find clear and honest information. Don’t just rely on the internet.

    Success Rate of Surrogacy with Frozen Embryos

    Chances of pregnancy are higher from frozen embryo than embryos transferred during a fresh IVF cycle. The genetic content of the embryos, surrogacy health, as well as laboratory condition and surrogacy doctor expertise can affect your pregnancy success rates.

    Improvements in the freezing of embryos including the Vitrification process have made this type of surrogacy process more common and safer than ever.


    You don’t need to repeat the whole IVF process if you opt for this surrogacy program since the eggs have already been collected and embryos formed. As soon as you feel ready, you can schedule the pregnancy and can get the embryo transfer process done.

    Sub heading goes here

    While infertility is becoming a more publicly addressed issue, there are still a lot of misunderstandings about it. Ones that can be explained by a collaborative effort involving healthcare providers, educational systems, media coverage, and open debates are among them. In this article, we debunk the most common infertility myths to shed light on the realities of infertility to create more infertility awareness with 6 myths explained.

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    1. Women Have An Endless Supply Of Eggs

    Many individuals assume that a woman’s fertility continues until menopause. What most people don’t realise is that a woman is born with a reserve of about 1 million eggs. These are the only things that she will possess for the rest of her life. These are the common Infertility myths, as males can produce sperm their entire lives.

    2. Women Can Have Kids Well Above Their Fertile Age

    A woman’s ovarian reserve generally drops below 400,000 eggs by the time she enters adolescence. In light of this, studies have revealed that the chance of infertility rises with age. According to statistics, infertility affects 6% of women between the ages of 20 and 24. When you’re in your thirties, your chances of getting pregnant start to dwindle. For women between the ages of 40 and 44, that number jumps to 64%. These are other Infertility myths.

    3. Timing Is Not Important

    Each month, a young, healthy 30-year-old woman with no evident reproductive issues has just a 20% chance of becoming pregnant. Only 85% of couples who are actively attempting to conceive are successful after a year of trying. If a couple does not become pregnant after a year, their odds of getting pregnant drop to 5%.

    4. Pregnancy Can Happen Anytime

    A sperm must meet an egg while a woman is ovulating, which occurs once a month (approximately seven to ten days before a woman’s menstruation begins) to get pregnant. This successful sperm and egg pairing can only take place within a 24-48 hour time frame. Couples who are attempting to conceive should have intercourse both before and after a woman’s ovulation. Once a woman has ovulated and her egg has moved from the ovary to the fallopian tubes, she cannot become pregnant until her next ovulation period.

    5. Infertility is mostly a woman’s problem.

    According to a recent study on Infertility myths, who is diagnosed with infertility is shared evenly between men and women. Because she is the carrier, it is easier to believe that infertility is due to her inability to produce a child, but this perception is wrong, as many times the problem lies in male infertility factor.

    Infertility is a medical illness, not a woman’s or a man’s problem. Approximately 40% of infertility is caused by female issues, while 40% is caused by male issues. Complications with both partners account for 20% of the cases.

    6. Infertility Treatment Are Highly Expensive

    There are several family-building alternatives, infertility treatment options available to those who are experiencing infertility. These alternatives might be pricey. They are, nevertheless, continually developing and becoming more sought for. As a result, more insurance companies are beginning to fund IVF pregnancy.

    Being proactive and familiarising yourself with the facts is one of the most efficient methods to take control of your fertility. Many women and men choose to combat infertility symptoms by adopting a defiant or “keep trying” attitude. While maintaining a positive perspective is critical, so is being proactive in seeking solutions to help yourself, your loved ones, and friends.

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