
Surrogacy with your Own Egg

Gestational surrogacy is used for most surrogacy cycles around the world. In this method, a gestational carrier or a surrogate chooses to carry the baby for those who cannot carry a pregnancy to term on their own. There can be many reasons for the involvement of a surrogacy agency, and surrogate mother, but the surrogacy option depends as per preference if intended mother want to use donor or her own eggs are healthy enough to carry on pregnancy, so just to focus on how you can leverage your present condition by taking the route of surrogacy with your own egg program.

What is Surrogacy with your Own Egg?

Surrogacy with your own egg simply means that the eggs of the intended mother are used in this kind of surrogacy. Which is then fertilised with the sperm of the intended father. In this type of surrogacy program, the IVF process takes place using intended mother eggs and intended father sperm. Later the screened embryos are implanted into the surrogate and conception is complete. A surrogacy cycle is completed when the surrogate delivers the baby.


What Is The Procedure For Surrogacy With your Own Egg?

Surrogacy with its own eggs is also called self-cycle surrogacy. The intended mother needs to prepare for the egg retrieval procedure where eggs will be extracted from her ovum for the surrogacy procedure. This means that she must take certain medicines prior to the egg donation process in order to increase ovulation and to have her ovaries produce more eggs.

Matching Cycle With The Surrogate
It is important that the genetic mother’s cycle is matched with that of the surrogate. This means that any stimulation that occurs naturally or is induced by medications needs to happen according to the matched schedule. The most appropriate measures are taken for subsequent successful fertilisation and implantation to maximise the chances of a healthy and safe pregnancy.

When intended fathers are unable to visit the clinic on a regular basis. Their sperm is frozen and stored for future use by the cryopreservation method. The developed embryos are also saved in case there are any residual embryos or if the process fails and the surrogate mother fails to conceive.

Egg Donation
Under anaesthesia, egg extraction is carried out under ultrasound monitoring. This process is generally called the egg donation process. In egg donation, a doctor typically removes an egg or eggs from the donor. Then fertilises them in a laboratory, and then implants them. In this case, the donor is the intended mother.

Fertilisation Into An Embryo
Fertilisation, fresh or frozen sperm is mixed with the eggs in an incubator dish. It is made sure that quality eggs and sperms are used so that successful fertilisation is guaranteed.

Embryo Transfer
Based on the overall number of eggs extracted and the number of embryos created. Your IVF Specialist and their team will determine whether to implant the embryos on day 3 or day 5. Thus, depending on the state of the embryos.

Confirmation Of Pregnancy
During the hold period for the big result, the surrogate mother takes hormone supplements such as estrogen and progesterone. BY which she can resume back to her daily activities. After 14 days, a blood sample is submitted to confirm pregnancy by checking beta HCG levels.


  • You can have a biological baby, even though you are not able to conceive on your own.
  • Although, you don’t have to go through pregnancy, as your gestational surrogate will conceive your genetically linked baby.
  • You still get to experience the joy of the pregnancy journey, as you are involved since the beginning of the surrogacy process.
  • Legal protection and assurances for all parties involved.


Surrogacy might cost $100,000 to $150,000 onwards. Indeed, that is a six-figure sum. If early attempts at fertilization fail or the parents elect to fund numerous pregnancies, the cost might rise to $300,000 or more.

Surrogacy costs include IVF costs, as well as payments for the gestational carrier’s time and services, legal fees, and possible agency costs.

Success Rate

According to a 2012 CDC study on IVF success rates, around 56 percent of transfers utilizing eggs from younger patients than 35 years resulted in a live birth. This compared to 37% for women 35-37, 28% for women 38-40, 16% for women 41-42, and 6% for women 43-44. Women beyond the age of 44 had a 3% chance of giving a live birth. Thus, the success rate also depends on the factors of age, good sperm swimmers, the shape of both parents’ cells, or any abnormality in cells.


If you are clear about your surrogacy expectations, surrogacy with your own egg program can be a compelling choice for individuals wanting a biological connection with a baby, and who are ready to involve a surrogate to make their parental dreams come true.

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    Gestational surrogacy is used for most surrogacy cycles around the world. In this method, a gestational carrier or a surrogate chooses to carry the baby for those who cannot carry a pregnancy to term on their own. There can be many reasons for the involvement of a surrogacy agency, and surrogate mother, but the surrogacy option depends as per preference if intended mother want to use donor or her own eggs are healthy enough to carry on pregnancy, so just to focus on how you can leverage your present condition by taking the route of surrogacy with your own egg program.

    our surrogacy
    family SPREADS JOY

    What is Surrogacy with your Own Egg?

    Surrogacy with your own egg simply means that the eggs of the intended mother are used in this kind of surrogacy. Which is then fertilised with the sperm of the intended father. In this type of surrogacy program, the IVF process takes place using intended mother eggs and intended father sperm. Later the screened embryos are implanted into the surrogate and conception is complete. A surrogacy cycle is completed when the surrogate delivers the baby.


    What Is The Procedure For Surrogacy With your Own Egg?

    Surrogacy with its own eggs is also called self-cycle surrogacy. The intended mother needs to prepare for the egg retrieval procedure where eggs will be extracted from her ovum for the surrogacy procedure. This means that she must take certain medicines prior to the egg donation process in order to increase ovulation and to have her ovaries produce more eggs.

    Matching Cycle With The Surrogate
    It is important that the genetic mother’s cycle is matched with that of the surrogate. This means that any stimulation that occurs naturally or is induced by medications needs to happen according to the matched schedule. The most appropriate measures are taken for subsequent successful fertilisation and implantation to maximise the chances of a healthy and safe pregnancy.

    When intended fathers are unable to visit the clinic on a regular basis. Their sperm is frozen and stored for future use by the cryopreservation method. The developed embryos are also saved in case there are any residual embryos or if the process fails and the surrogate mother fails to conceive.

    Egg Donation
    Under anaesthesia, egg extraction is carried out under ultrasound monitoring. This process is generally called the egg donation process. In egg donation, a doctor typically removes an egg or eggs from the donor. Then fertilises them in a laboratory, and then implants them. In this case, the donor is the intended mother.

    Fertilisation Into An Embryo
    Fertilisation, fresh or frozen sperm is mixed with the eggs in an incubator dish. It is made sure that quality eggs and sperms are used so that successful fertilisation is guaranteed.

    Embryo Transfer
    Based on the overall number of eggs extracted and the number of embryos created. Your IVF Specialist and their team will determine whether to implant the embryos on day 3 or day 5. Thus, depending on the state of the embryos.

    Confirmation Of Pregnancy
    During the hold period for the big result, the surrogate mother takes hormone supplements such as estrogen and progesterone. BY which she can resume back to her daily activities. After 14 days, a blood sample is submitted to confirm pregnancy by checking beta HCG levels.


    • You can have a biological baby, even though you are not able to conceive on your own.
    • Although, you don’t have to go through pregnancy, as your gestational surrogate will conceive your genetically linked baby.
    • You still get to experience the joy of the pregnancy journey, as you are involved since the beginning of the surrogacy process.
    • Legal protection and assurances for all parties involved.


    Surrogacy might cost $100,000 to $150,000 onwards. Indeed, that is a six-figure sum. If early attempts at fertilization fail or the parents elect to fund numerous pregnancies, the cost might rise to $300,000 or more.

    Surrogacy costs include IVF costs, as well as payments for the gestational carrier’s time and services, legal fees, and possible agency costs.

    Success Rate

    According to a 2012 CDC study on IVF success rates, around 56 percent of transfers utilizing eggs from younger patients than 35 years resulted in a live birth. This compared to 37% for women 35-37, 28% for women 38-40, 16% for women 41-42, and 6% for women 43-44. Women beyond the age of 44 had a 3% chance of giving a live birth. Thus, the success rate also depends on the factors of age, good sperm swimmers, the shape of both parents’ cells, or any abnormality in cells.


    If you are clear about your surrogacy expectations, surrogacy with your own egg program can be a compelling choice for individuals wanting a biological connection with a baby, and who are ready to involve a surrogate to make their parental dreams come true.

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